Miss Medusa Brand was born from the story of the great goddess Medusa, daughter of the sea gods Forco and Ceto, she is one of the three Gorgons along with Steno and Euryale.
The three goddesses had the power to petrify anyone who crossed their gaze. Medusa and her sisters were often depicted as hideous women with golden wings and bronze hands, with a wide round face framed by many serpents.

However, not everyone may have known that Medusa was a vulnerable Goddess with a unique beauty, and anyone who crossed her bewitching gaze was petrified!
Even the great Poseidon, god of the sea, became lost in her eyes and fell in love with her.

Miss Medusa dresses have the same power as the goddess, only in addition to enchanting the beholder, they give the wearer a unique touch of class.
Our dresses enhance your silhouette, achieving a harmonious result because the fabric is designed to emphasize your natural curves. The dresses are made from a high-tech, high-quality material that can swaddle and envelop your body, creating a perfect shape. Miss Medusa is a brand made and designed in the beautiful city of Zurich and conceived by Federica Vella.

Each piece is studied in all its details and created with passion, love and craftsmanship. Each dress is sewn with the purpose of perfectly swaddling a woman's body regardless of her size and shape.

Our dresses are made specifically to show off one's body, because every woman is gorgeous and her physical features are unique. There is no perfect size or perfect shape, every woman is glamorous in her own way, and our clothes serve precisely to highlight your charm and THE details of your body.

When you walk in front of people wearing Miss Medusa dresses, they will all be enchanted by your splendor and wonderful style, and they will be able to admire your magnificent body enhanced and exalted by our dresses.

Try them on now!